Hellen Ascoli

Condo MX

We are Interwoven

The back-strap loom has a face, a back, feet, a stomach that eats, and a heart that beats.

To weave with the back-strap loom is to weave with another being that reflects and responds to whomever weaves it. This is why weaving is never an individual act. It is a tool/body that de-centralizes the human being, sensitizes us to other beings and connects us directly with everything that surrounds us.

This body of work is the result of a text/textile co-written with Negma Coy, Luisa González-Reiche and the back-strap loom, a present being that accompanies us in our lived experiences, revealing both the presences as well as marking and re-membering the absences. – Hellen Ascoli

Other exhibitions by Hellen Ascoli at Proyectos Ultravioleta: