
Great Masterpieces of the 20th Century

Proyectos Ultravioleta
Guatemala City, Guatemala


Christo and Jeanne Claude
Marina Abramovic
John Baldessari
Joseph Beuys
John Cage
Marcel Duchamp
Charles and Ray Eames
Dan Flavin
Lucio Fontana
Felix Gonzalez Torres
Sol Lewitt
On Kawara
Yves Klein
Joseph Kosuth
Piero Manzoni
Robert Rauschenberg

Proyectos Ultravioleta, in collaboration with Lugar a dudas (Colombia), presents an exhibition of works never before seen in Guatemala that have marked milestones in the history of art. From the avant-garde to postmodernism and beyond, the development of art (as well as in many other areas of life) in the twentieth century was extraordinary, producing works that would change, more than once, the way of understanding production artistic and everything associated with it. For this and to try to alleviate the great deficiencies that our country has in terms of exposure to essential works created during the last century, Proyectos Ultravioleta has been given the task of collecting and showing pieces of great artists from around the world, for the first time in this country.

Other exhibitions by these artists at Proyectos Ultravioleta: